American Association for the Surgery of Trauma
What We Do
The AAST is dedicated to discovery, dissemination, implementation, and evaluation of knowledge related to acute care surgery (trauma, surgical critical care, and emergency general surgery) by fostering research, education, and professional development in an environment of fellowship, collegiality, inclusion, diversity and equity.

The AAST mission is accomplished through the following:

The Annual Meeting of the AAST provides a forum for scientific presentations, exchange of ideas and techniques, and continuing medical education.

The AAST publishes two Journals: Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, the leading source for peer-reviewed publications in trauma, surgical critical care and emergency general surgery and Trauma Surgery and Acute Care Open, a peer-reviewed open access journal.

The AAST creates, welcomes, and actively promotes diversity within its membership and leadership.

The AAST founded and oversees the Acute Care Surgery Fellowship training programs.

The AAST provides research funding and scholarships for medical students, residents, fellows and junior faculty.

The AAST supports, conducts and fosters multi-institutional trials and studies.

The AAST provides representation and leadership to national medical and surgical organizations including the American Board of Surgery and the American College of Surgeons Board of Governors and Committee on Trauma.

The AAST promotes international collaboration and scientific exchange by conducting joint society meetings.

The AAST supports United States military surgeons through special programs, and military-specific educational sessions at the AAST Annual Meeting.

Today, the American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, is the premier academic trauma surgery organization in the United States and has over 1,700 members from 30 countries.
(800) 789-4006
633 North St. Clair
Chicago, IL 60611
United States